Improving the exploration parameters of lead-acid batteries through implementing new technology

The project proposal objective is for the company to acquire new equipment with which to set technical environment for deployment of process innovation, aimed at improving the operational efficiency and competitiveness of the lead-acid batteries manufactured by the company. The object of introduction is an invention with a patent application № 111 349 / 22.11.2012 under the name "Method and device for improving energy efficiency in production and operation of lead-acid cells and batteries" with the applicant Yurii Petrov Markov. With the contract for license for applications for inventions of 28.03.2016, Yurii Markov has granted an exclusive license to the company TASK Ltd., BULSTAT № BG131464124, for the right to use and disseminate the industrial property. The candidate for the deployment of this innovation, the company ELHIM ISKRA signed with the company TASK Ltd. a preliminary agreement for non-exclusive license right of use and implementation of this technology in production. The project includes the implementation of a project activity - acquisition of new equipment needed to implement the new technology for improving the performance of the batteries. The total project cost, including the financial assistance is 3 002 880 BGN. The project is to be finished within 14 months. The expected results are: 10 units of new equipment acquisition; 1 new technology implemented; 4 new jobs; capacity increased with 40%; sales after the project increased with 42%, share of the production, based on the new technology - 22%.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 04 Apr, 2017
End date 13 Feb, 2019
Contract date 04 Apr, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 3,002,880.00
Grant 1,500,000.00
Self finance 1,502,880.00
Total paid 1,453,306.30
EU participation percent 85.0%
