Increasing the innovative capacity of Brek Ltd through ntroducing own innovation in a new for the market and for the company service.

Breck Ltd. has developed an innovative process for deep analysis of consumption, monitor energy flows and tracking losses in electricity networks as the process is integrated into its own software called ImMeter. The main objective of this project is to bring to market service ImMeter, which is based on an innovative process. The project falls within the priorities of the thematic area "Mechatronics and clean technologies" of the Innovative Strategy fro intelligent specialization and provided service is a novelty on the European / global market and is based on its own software development company. The project objective will be achieved through the implementation of activities to acquire devices for time registration data, collecting data and a server, as well as through business software development - web-based user interface. The project activities contribute directly to achieving the project goal and will lead to increased innovation capacity and competitiveness of Brek LTD. Following implementation of the project Brek Ltd. will expand its position in the new market segment by providing innovative service to operators of power grids, electricity traders and consumers. The project envisaged activities for the acquisition of tangible and intangible assets (devices for time registration data, collecting data and a server, software - web based user interface) through which the innovative algorithm for monitoring energy flows and monitoring of losses in low voltage grids (ImMeter), will be applied as a new market and enterprise service. The project will be implemented through the creation of new business facility in the city. Montana, where the new service will be administered and managed. Innovation ImMeter is characterized by universality of application and unique functionality, ensuring a successful market entry.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 07 Jul, 2017
End date 30 Jan, 2019
Contract date 07 Jul, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 1,428,300.00
Grant 999,810.00
Self finance 428,490.00
Total paid 999,285.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
