Implementation of innovative context recommending platform with semantic core - Harmony

The project envisages the deployment of a state-of-the-art semantic core, developed by Semantic Interactive, which allows the development of a globally innovative web-based platform to facilitate the automation in matching of partners for entering various forms of cooperation. The system, a.k.a. Harmony, is a solution for the identification of potential contractors, beneficiaries or other partners, utilizing a strong semantic core that analyses the description of individual projects (calls, RFPs, tenders, funding schemes) and clusters them by similarity and in comparison to the organizational profile, the history of previous links and descriptions of previous successful projects. Unlike existing solutions the proposed system allows the identification of potential stakeholders without having to pro-actively disclose sensitive project information or confidential data. Introducing such a service would radically change the way entities identify suitable partners to form consortia, joint ventures or strategic partnerships. We will offer a "subscription" model for prospective individual partners and a "software as a service" model for business support organizations (EEN, BSMEA, BIA etc). The advantages of the system are realized by implementing our proven core semantic and recommending systems, which are copyrighted. With them we automate the matchmaking process by comparing the potential partners' user profiles and descriptions of projects and weighing it with historical information about previous successfully formed partnerships. To implement Harmony we purchase a software solution that will ensure the use of the semantic core and recommendation engine in the logical frame of a three-layered architecture. The investment regime is "de minimis". Using machine-training for the recommendation system as a basis for improving the efficiency of the innovative service Harmony will also require access to a database of historical records for successful projects and consortia.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 Jan, 2017
End date 19 Nov, 2018
Contract date 18 Jan, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 559,120.00
Grant 503,208.00
Self finance 55,912.00
Total paid 486,540.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
