Implementation of an innovative health care service "polyclinic telemedical consultation"

Finvera Consult Ltd. is a company founded in 2006 whose main activity is related to business consulting services, including management, investment and project consulting, incl. in digital economy. As a result of extensive studies of the application of the latest advances in information technology and telecommunications in medical consultations, the company has developed a comprehensive concept for implementing an innovative for the European market health service - a polyclinic tele medical consultation. It represents a real-time remote personal medical consultation between a patient/client and a doctor located in different places, through a video-contact provided through a web-based application and accompanying exchange of data from available clinical tests and measured in real time vital signs of the patient. In order to implement the innovative health service, the company envisages under the the project to purchase the specialized software and physical equipment, necessary for the provision of the service, as well as to contract innovation support services. The implementation of the project will enable Finvera Consult Ltd. to introduce and deliver on the market an innovative health service, which will have impact on all aspects of the company's operation. From technological perspective, the project will help expand the technological capabilities of the company and will allow it to diversify its activity with a new service. In financial terms the project will lead to a growth of the revenue from sales and of the profits of the company. In ecological aspect the project will support the environment protection due to its contribution to reducing the consumption of energy and energy resources and the concomitant reduction of the emissions of greenhouse and other noxious gases. With all this project will contribute to the sustainable increase of the competitiveness of the company in the long term.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 22 May, 2018
End date 22 Nov, 2019
Contract date 22 May, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 944,620.51
Grant 675,034.36
Self finance 269,586.15
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
