Introducing the Innovative "Automated Analysis, Control and Monitoring of Water Resources in Industrial Enterprises" into Production

Through the implementation of proposed project activities the company will market worldwide an innovative eco-product "Automated Analysis, Control and Monitoring of Water Resources in Industrial Enterprises", which is within the priority direction of the priority axis "Systems for Automated and Software Assisted Management with Industry Application” of the Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization thematic area: "Mechatronics and Clean Technologies”. Proposed product innovation is a worldwide innovative solution based on mechatronic elements, artificial intelligence and cloud technology that provides an effective analysis and management of the industrial hydraulic networks. With its basic and functional and technical specifications, by the established functional connections and software management, the product carries out continuous monitoring and analysis of water flow, network and facilities in the enterprise in real time and based on detected anomalies and statistical database takes appropriate dynamic action to ensure higher production efficiency. Proposed innovation is own work and represents an innovation on a global level, as superior to alternative solutions on the market. Planned project activities will create preconditions for the introduction and commercialization of a product innovation world novelty, creating market advantages for company "Target Consulting", will contribute to sustainable presence on the international and domestic market and increase the overall competitiveness of the company. The implementation of proposed product innovation will directly contribute to the environmental protection and the sustainable use of global water resources.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 Jan, 2017
End date 09 Nov, 2018
Contract date 18 Jan, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 507,000.00
Grant 456,300.00
Self finance 50,700.00
Total paid 456,300.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
