Telebio - integrated platform for telemedicine

The main objective of the project is implementation and marketing of innovative integrated software platform for telemedicine. The project implementation will lead to the commercialization of a product falling in two of the priority directions of the thematic areas of ISSS, namely: "ICT and Informatics" and "Industry for healthy living and biotechnology". The specific objectives which will be achieved with the project implementation, are: - Development and implementation of an innovative software platform for telemedicine - Increasing the innovation capacity of the company - Increasing competitiveness of the company The planned project activities for achieving its objectives are: - Acquisition of specialized software needed for the implementation of the innovative service - Consulting and supporting services in support of the innovation: 1) Consultancy, assistance and training in the field of knowledge transfer; 2) Consultancy, assistance and training in the use of standards and the rules governing them (the European directives, regulations and standards applicable for the innovative service), including services directly related to the compliance of products with European/international standards; 3) Provision of databases for the development of more effective products, processes or services; 4) Provision of market research for the development of more effective services The expected project results are: - Implementation and commercialisation of an innovative integrated software platform for telemedicine - Increased innovation capacity of the company by provision of consulting and support services in support of the innovation - Increased competitiveness of the company by increased rate of return and productivity

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 07 Jul, 2017
End date 08 May, 2019
Contract date 07 Jul, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 661,000.00
Grant 588,726.00
Self finance 72,274.00
Total paid 588,636.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
