Creation of innovation environment and infrastructure within GRT INTERNATIONAL LTD for creation of innovative method for clear production, preservation and and processing of fruit and herbal extracts to obtain natural fruit drink

With the successful implementation of the project satisfies the need to strengthen innovation activity of Bulgarian start-ups. The company represents precisely the target group of the procedure consisting of enterprises that realize innovative products. The current project is in one of the priority areas of ISIS - industry healthy living and biotechnology. The main objective of the project proposal is to increase the innovation activity of GRT INTERNATIONAL Ltd., through the development of innovative products in the priority direction of the industry for healthy living and biotechnology - methods of clean production, storage and processing of specific Bulgarian fruit and herbal extracts for the preparation of a natural fruit drink. The expected results of the project contribute significantly to increasing the capacity for innovation, scientific research capacity and knowledge, and deployment of technologies to achieve resource efficiency and efficiency to the development and successful implementation of viable and economically sustainable globally applicable innovative product - a method for clean production, storage and processing of specific Bulgarian fruit and herbal extracts. The expected results are achieved through: 1) Increasing the level of innovation activity through R amp; D investment and generation of knowledge. 2) Creating the capacity to develop innovation through the introduction of modern and high-tech equipment. 3) Increasing the research capacity and knowledge through provision of services to ensure commercialization of innovative methods. 4) Ensure the development and successful implementation of innovative technology leading to sustainable and economically viable applicable world-class innovative product. 5) Introduction of new technologies to improve resource efficiency in the realization and distribution of FMCG.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 11 May, 2017
End date 11 May, 2019
Contract date 11 May, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 318,134.00
Grant 286,320.60
Self finance 31,813.40
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
