The startup company "E.P.S. ECO-polymer systems" is established with the main idea to develop and optimize new elastomeric composite material for production of footwear soles with increased ice and snow grip intended for medical, alternative and extreme sports specialized equipment. The company's team has an extensive experience in development of eco-innovations in polymer materials science, chemistry and biotechnology field, and thanks to the planned activities new innovative material will be developed. The innovative product falls under two of the priority areas defined in ISIS thematic areas: 1/ industry for healthy living and biotechnology: medical and curative tourism with focus on opportunities for personalization / unmassive and personal tourism/; 2 / new technologies in creative and recreational industries: alternative / rural, eco, cultural and festival / and extreme tourism and sports / for stimulating non-seasonal, unmassive and permanent niche tourism / and responds on the general and specific objectives of the strategy for entrepreneurship discovery, increase the competitiveness of domestic and international markets; The advantage of the developed material is in its composition, consisting of specially selected ingredients and elastomers providing improved ice and snow grip which can be demonstrated by tribological and laboratory tests. The other advantage is in its environmental focus: in correspondence with the current trends in the technology of rubber, a high percentage of elastomers and ingredients originating from renewable resources will be used-natural rubber (standard and epoxydized), vegetable oils (as processing additives), natural resins and biofillers (microcrystalline cellulose and modified corn starch). Based on the prepared comparative patent analysis it can be pointed that the developed new product is novelty on the world market and exceeds all known alternative products.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 11 May, 2017 |
End date | 12 Mar, 2019 |
Contract date | 11 May, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 430,680.00 |
Grant | 387,612.00 |
Self finance | 43,068.00 |
Total paid | 376,472.01 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |