This project proposal is aimed at developing product innovation in the field of services. The innovative service is an application that aims to reduce and utilize excess food offered by commercial outlets and restaurants, and prevent its disposal. The application will be used as a marketing tool by the companies and will offer quickly accessible information to consumers for excess food offered by commercial outlets. Commercial outlets are restaurants, supermarkets (with warm stall), pizza restaurants, Pastry Shops, duner shops, grills and other places producing ready made food. Ready made food are meals already cooked throughout the day, which, if not used by the end of the day, will be discarded, although they are still edible and do not endanger human health. The application will be directed to people’s health care, describing the nutritional composition of the food. Additional functionality of the application will be collecting statistic data for excess food, which will optimize the manufacturing process of each food commercial outlet. The innovative service will be offered through mobile and web application that will be free for users, giving them the opportunity to buy ready meals from the nearest outlet to them. An additional advantage of the proposed innovative application is a detailed description of the ready made foods and their content in calories, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, allergens and others. The product innovation covered by this project falls within the following thematic areas of ISIS: "New technologies in creative and recreational industries," direction "Computer and mobile applications and games educational, marketing and / or entertainment," with emphasis on the mobile marketing application. The development of the application will take place in the city of Montana by a team of specialists in the field of information technology and marketing.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 May, 2017 |
End date | 22 Aug, 2019 |
Contract date | 09 May, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 397,804.94 |
Grant | 358,024.44 |
Self finance | 39,780.50 |
Total paid | 320,780.37 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |