Development of innovative process by Graphene Innovations LLC

Graphene Innovations LLC. is a starup established in 2015. The company team has a significant experience in the field of development of high technology products and innovative processes. One of the biggest challenges for the company and for micro enterprises in Bulgaria as a whole is the lack of funding. Almost 90% of the onnovative startups don’t manage to finnish their developments and the innovations stay on the shelf. They perform the necessary research, measuring and testing in laboratories, they reach a certain stage, but they don’t manage to create a prototype of the product or a pilot line for the process, i.e. they don’t reach a successful end of the development process due to the lack of funding. To answer these challenges and to be able to continue the development process of the innovation – Synthetic process for production of graphene oxide in the form of dry, powder mass, the company needs to overcome its limitations concerning: - Inability to create and test a pilot line for applying the process innovation – the candidate does not have the necessary qualified personnel to perform such activities itself. Besides that, the company needs tangible and intangible assests, consumables and a premices necessary for the creation and testing of the pilot line. That investment will enable the candidate to successfully finalize the process of development of the innovative process. - Limitations for the market positioning of the innovation in short term perspective – for that a market research for market positioning of the innovative process is needed. For the overcoming of the problems above, the project proposal includes the following eligible activities: 1. Creation and testing of a pilot line; 2. Elaboration of a market research for market realization of the innovative process; 3. Project publicity.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 31 Jul, 2017
End date 17 Sep, 2019
Contract date 31 Jul, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 432,740.00
Grant 389,466.00
Self finance 43,274.00
Total paid 389,223.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
