„Revolut Solutions“ Ltd. is a startup micro enterprise established in 2014. The company performs architecture and engineering activities, technical tests and analysis. The firm team has a significant experience in developing systems and constructions for transformable buildings. One of the greatest challenges for the company and for micro enterprises in the country as a whole is the lack of funding for development of innovations necessary for separate sectors of economy. In order to handle these challenges and successfully develop the innovative product – Fast Transform, „Revolut Solutions“ Ltd. needs to overcome its limitations concerning: - insufficient capacity for performing research, testing, examination and measuring related to the development of the innovative product – the company does not have the necessary qualified personnel to perform such activities; - inability to elaborate and test by itself the prototype of the developed product – besides the manpower, the company does not possess the necessary tangible assests, materials and premises for creation of a prototype; - limitations related to the positioning of the developed innovation on the market in a short term perspective – for that purpose a protection of the inoovative product and development of a market research are needed. In order to solve the problems above, the project proposal includes the following eligible activities: 1. Conduction of applied research, testing, examination and measuring related to the development of the innovative product; 2. Elaboration and testing of a prototype; 3. Intellectual property protection on international level; 4. Development of a market research for commercialization of the innovative product; 5. Project publicity.
Status | Terminated (termination date) |
Start date | 11 May, 2017 |
End date | 11 May, 2019 |
Contract date | 11 May, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 344,704.31 |
Grant | 310,233.88 |
Self finance | 34,470.43 |
Total paid | 63,969.09 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |