The project will be developed innovative end product GTM / Green Triangulation Marker / falling in the "Mechatronics and clean technologies" ISIS.Tova mechatronic drive a new generation used to track and locate vehicles and mobile objects by triangulation / trilateration by using existing GSM networks and is powered by a renewable energy source. For the needs of the developed innovation will be hired to TD expert staff will develop specialized Initiate software and firmware, as well as working drawings and design of the structural components of innovation-localization module power supply and external body. Based on them will be drawn design drawing of GTM prototype. For its creation will be purchased all the necessary supplies and materials constituting the hardware of the device. Within the framework of activities and following the procedures for the selection of suppliers will be purchased fixed assets for the test, measurements and tests on components of the product and prototype device. The equipment will be situated in the city. Pleven, where you rent space to carry out applied research and testing. After creating and testing individual components of the innovation will be assembled prototype GTM.Toy subject to tests to finalize the produkt.Envisaged all activities in developing, testing and prototype to be implemented independently by the company team After verification of the costs and procedures for vendor selection project provides activities for targeted enhancement to the commercialization of innovation by drafting two developments: Market Analysis-1pc. and Comprehensive marketing plan for marketing-1pc. Their presence will give an objective view of the market situation and will be defined approaches to boost sales. Within planned activities will meet all requirements for visualization, information and publicity.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
End date | 23 Oct, 2019 |
Contract date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 423,631.60 |
Grant | 381,268.44 |
Self finance | 42,363.16 |
Total paid | 373,788.11 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |