The project aims at promoting the development of the startup “3DS BG” EOOD by developing an innovative, for the world market, product in one of the thematic areas of ISIS "New technologies in creative and recreational industries" - namely, a new complex service in the field of design, based on photogrammetric 3D digitalization and 3D printing - 3D PHOTORELIEFS. Its essence is related to the creation of 3D photorealistic relief panels of cultural and historical heritage, natural landmarks and works of art. The innovativeness of the service is expressed in its complexity, which is not available on the world market and also that it integrates advanced technological solutions in the field of three-dimensional scanning and materialization in the most optimal and efficient manner. The project is implemented through research, testing, measurement and analysis activities, related to the development of innovative products, as well as with the creation and testing of 3 prototype samples (photoreliefs). With a view to planning further implementation of the new product, the development of economic and financial evaluation of the innovation is provisioned, as well as development of a marketing plan for market realization of the innovative product. The project is implemented in the Northwest region – city of Pleven and city of Sofiq and will lead to the creation and supply of innovative complex service in the field of creative industries, which will help to promote the innovation potential of the start-up company and its perspective imposing on the world market.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
End date | 29 Nov, 2019 |
Contract date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 434,126.40 |
Grant | 390,713.76 |
Self finance | 43,412.64 |
Total paid | 382,104.19 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |