Creating an Innovative three component, multilingual, web-based hybrid platform for development, operation and distribution of interactive e-learning content and new services in the field of e-learning and knowledge management.

Startup Company "CONTIPSO" LTD. was established with the main idea to develop and implement Innovative three component, multilingual, web-based hybrid platform for development, operation and distribution of interactive e-learning content and new services in the field of e-learning and knowledge management. The three main modules in the platform are: Module 1 "e-Learning content management platform" Module 2 "Tools for creating e-content" Module 3 "Online store for selling of interactive electronic (educational) content" The project is planned to satisfy the needs of creation, distribution, development and acquisition of relevant information and knowledge on these target groups: 1. Electronic content creators 2. Training organizations 3. Users of electronic content (learners) For implementation of this project a team of highly qualified professionals has been created, the team, who, through planned activities: * Performance of applied Ramp;D, testing, trialing and creation of program and methodology * Creation and testing a platform's prototype * Development of economic and financial evaluation * Development of a technical evaluation * Developing a marketing plan for market realization * Project visualization (Development of 2 informational signs) will achieve the ultimate goal of the project, namely three component, multilingual, web-based hybrid platform for development, operation and distribution of interactive e-learning content and new services in the field of e-learning and knowledge management, to which users representatives of the target groups worldwide will have 24/7/365 access. The first stage of the platform (within the first three years) aim conservative 1% market share, which equates to 203,000 active users of the platform.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 31 Jul, 2017
End date 12 Aug, 2019
Contract date 31 Jul, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 420,871.42
Grant 378,784.29
Self finance 42,087.13
Total paid 375,113.11
EU participation percent 85.0%
