Development of innovation by "IMAGIFINITY" Ltd.

The project proposal aims at development of innovative service for creation and use of "DIGITAL 3D ME" which will be used all over the world. The service will allow fast and precise three-dimensional (3D) scans of people in full-length, which will be applied in online trade, online social platforms, virtual reality, sports, health, etc. The innovation is a novelty in the world market. The project is implemented in the thematic area of ​​ISIS "ICT and Informatics". The innovation will be developed entirely by the applicant, and for the development will be hired skilled professionals with the necessary expertise, education and experience in research and development projects funded by the EU. This project proposal envisages implementation of the following activities: - Development and testing of prototype (by hiring qualified personnel, acquisition and purchase of equipment and purchase of materials for the prototype) - Preparation of economic and financial evaluation of the innovation - Preparation of market analysis with plans for the commercialization of the innovation. The expected results of the project are: - Development of a service that is easily accessible, with high quality ensuring fast, easy and secure 3D scanning of people in full scale and could be used by various applications - Increasing the innovation activities of the company - Achieving sustainable development by reducing the environmental impact - Achieving successful marketing of the innovative service.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 31 Jul, 2017
End date 29 Nov, 2019
Contract date 31 Jul, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 434,000.00
Grant 390,600.00
Self finance 43,400.00
Total paid 368,832.18
EU participation percent 85.0%
