The current project is applying for support for the development of innovative product - a smart system for priority allocation of alternative electricity to own consumer. The system will be developed by a startup company "SOLVENTER" Ltd. The development of the innovation will provide new competitive advantages and increase the added value of domestic products, according to Objective 1 ISIS. The development innovative product is in accordance with the priority area "clean technologies with a focus on transport and energy (storage, saving and efficient distribution of energy, electric vehicles and eco-mobility, hydrogen-based models and technologies, waste technologies, technologies and methods for inclusion of waste materials from production in other industries), in the thematic field of Mechatronics and clean technologies”of ISIS and is in line with regional specialization of Northwest and Southeast planning where the main part of the project will be implemented. Aim of the project is to develop an innovative product with potential for implementing in the economy. As a result of the project is expected to enhance the innovative capacity and competitiveness of "SOLVENTER" LTD. The main activities aimed at achieving the project goal are conducting applied research, testing, testing and measurement, creation and testing of prototypes, development of economic, financial and technical evaluation, development of production technologies, development of market analysis, marketing plan and promotional events in Bulgaria. The project meets the objectives of the Operational Programme and the specific objective and results of the Investment Priority 1.1 "Technological development and innovation" of Priority Axis 1 of OPIC. In the implementation of the project activities will ensure compliance with horizontal policies for sustainable development and non-discrimination.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
End date | 22 Aug, 2019 |
Contract date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 392,371.00 |
Grant | 353,133.90 |
Self finance | 39,237.10 |
Total paid | 300,820.50 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |