IMM Pleven Ltd. was established in April 2016 as a company trading in menswear. The idea of the company is to develop a hybrid multi-brand store for men, niche products and gifts with an eye to the future, so as to provide clients with the opportunity for a unique shopping experience, merging online and in-store shopping features. The main focus of the innovative idea is the customer experience in its entirety - in the physical as well as in the online stores. Both the innovative service and the overall experience offered by the new hybrid store will be a combination of several elements allowing integration of the online marketing convenience and interactivity with the social aspect of online shopping. The aim of IMM Pleven is to create an attractive and entertaining environment in and around the store via interactive showcase complemented by specially deployed monitors with touchscreens, which will allow individual window-shopping of the store collections and making orders via QR code. This reflects the innovative nature of the company and corresponds to the interests and lifestyles of customers. To achieve the project objectives for the realization of the aforementioned innovative service, the company will need to invest in the development of an interactive installation and software with several modules having various applications: - Online sales; - 3D imaging of objects managed through multitouch device or gestures of the viewer; - Virtual three-dimensional clothes fitting; - Remote content. In view of the development and testing of the innovative service the company needs to purchase specific high-tech equipment. The project implementation will enhance the innovative capacity and competitiveness of the company, attracting a wide range of customers in the store, using the technological capabilities in the physical store that will add value to shopping and provide social aspect of online shopping with the convenience of online shopping.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 11 May, 2017 |
End date | 01 Aug, 2019 |
Contract date | 11 May, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 433,290.00 |
Grant | 389,961.00 |
Self finance | 43,329.00 |
Total paid | 388,486.37 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |