Creation of smart environment for ensuring wide broadband access to images, speach and data for the creation of "smart towns"

The main objective of the project proposal is to increase the innovation activities of Fibronix Ltd., through the creation of intelligent environment to provide broadband in order to reach images, speech, data, and to build a “smart villages”. The successful implementation of the project satisfies the need to strengthen the innovation activity of Bulgarian start-ups. The company represents exactly the target group of the procedure – enterprises experiencing regular difficulties associated with raising capital for the development of innovation. With this project an innovative product is developed in the priority thematic area of the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (ISSS): ICT and Informatics and in particular within the sector of the ICT-based services and systems and approaches. The innovation is a typical example of production knows as Fabless, providing a universal development environment on a variety of web based applications for creating and exploiting new products and services, mainly in the intelligent filed related to creation of “smart homes” and “smart villages” The expected results of the project contribute significantly to increasing the capacity for innovation, scientific, research capacity and knowledge for the successful realization of a viable and economically sustainable globally applicable innovative product. The results are achieved through: 1) Increasing the level of innovation activity through R amp; D investment and generation of knowledge 2) Crating the capacity to develop innovation through the introduction of modern and high-tech equipment 3) Ensure the development and successful implementation of viable and economically sustainable globally applicable innovative product 4) Strengthening the research capacity and knowledge through provision of services that ensure market realization of innovative product

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 31 Jul, 2017
End date 04 Mar, 2020
Contract date 31 Jul, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 430,850.00
Grant 387,765.00
Self finance 43,085.00
Total paid 290,200.70
EU participation percent 85.0%
