Mobile application marketing and internationalization of environmentally friendly industrial products and technologies

With the successful implementation of the project satisfies the need to strengthen the innovation activity of Bulgarian start-ups . The company represents precisely the target group of the procedure, including enterprises that develop innovation products and services in one the priority areas of ISSS. The main objective of the project proposal is to increase the innovation activities of Industry Greentech Ltd., through the development of innovative products in the priority direction of the field "New technologies in creative and recreational industries - computing and mobile applications and games educational, marketing and entertainment. The expected results of the project contribute significantly to increasing the capacity for innovation, scientific research capacity and knowledge and support for the creation of eco-innovation in order to develop and ensure the successful implementation of viable and economically sustainable globally applicable innovative product. The results are achieved through: 1 ) Increasing the level of innovation activity through R amp; D investment and generation of knowledge. 2 ) Ensuring the development and successful implementation of viable and economically sustainable globally applicable innovative product . 3 ) Increasing the research capacity and knowledge through provision of services that ensure market realization of the innovative product . 4 ) Support for the implementation of eco-innovations. The expected results of the project represent the creation of innovative gloablly applicable product with application in international marketing of environmentally friendly industrial products and technologies. The results achieved by the formation of highly qualified team of specialists conducting applied research, testing and measurements related to the development of innovative product development, as well as receive of services related to the marketing of the developed innovation.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 31 Jul, 2017
End date 10 Jun, 2020
Contract date 31 Jul, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 357,100.00
Grant 321,389.99
Self finance 35,710.01
Total paid 307,664.99
EU participation percent 85.0%
