The project goal is developing a product: Dual fuel system for an internal combustion engine.This is a product with proven environmental, economic, financial potential and high added value.The beneficiary of the project is DELIA AUTO LTD. The Head of Expert Department and project team have long-standing experience and appropriate qualifications. The total project cost are 434 505,20levs. The value of grants is 391 054,68levs and own financing is 43 450,52levs. The project has six (6) project-activities: A1:Conducting applied research, testing and measurements related to the development of innovative product - indicative costs of 287981.11levs; A2:Protection (acquire) of intellectual property rights at national and international level - indicative costs of 26000levs A3:Creation and testing of prototypes and pilot lines - indicative costs of 105024.09levs A4:Development of economic, financial, technical evaluation and investment business plan of the innovative product - indicative costs of 8000levs A5:Preparation of market analysis and studies, marketing plan for market outlets of the innovative product - 6000levs A6:Preview of the Project - indicative costs of 1500levs The project costs are effective, efficient and economically justified and complied with the structure of the budget and requirements of the scheme. The project implements the principles of horizontal EU policies - equal opportunities for all, non-discrimination, access for people with disabilities, sustainable development. The duration of the project is 24 months.Place of performance is the town of Apriltsi, Bulgaria. Performance indicators are: - Number of enterprises which receiving support; - Private investment, complementing public support for innovation or research and development projects; - Funded projects for eco-innovation.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Aug, 2017
End date 19 Nov, 2019
Contract date 01 Aug, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 434,505.20
Grant 391,054.68
Self finance 43,450.52
Total paid 330,379.04
EU participation percent 85.0%
