The idea of this project proposal is to develop the so-called drones in the field of monitoring, prevention and analyses of crisis situations. The autonomy of the flying machine makes it possible to reach remote and dangerous locations, where people can not reach by themselves or the access represents danger for their life and health. This can be achieved through a further development of the standard drones with an extra built-in devices and software, which are to implement the functionality for people detection. A major problem during the last years is the increasing refugee flow and the illegal border crossing in unregulated places. Other problems are the disasters and the accidents where the rescue operations are conducted in dangerous conditions to human health. It is often required that the military send Cougar helicopters in order to “look around” the area and to locate endangered people. These are extremely expensive and burdening missions for both the state budget, and the military. Trough the past year a huge problem for Europe is the refugee crisis and the inability of the countries to rein the illegal border crossings by immigrants. There is a shortage of policemen and gendarmes to guard the border, the built enclosures are being destroyed, and not least, the mountainous terrain and the great borders length determines some bad and dangerous working conditions for the police officers and also their inability to be always at the right place. All these things lead to an increase in the costs for secondment of policeman, ineffectiveness of their work, and exposure of their lives to danger in mountainous and inaccessible areas. The impact of these factors could be minimized through the use of innovative techniques and technologies for automatic detection of intruders, accurate localization and problem signaling which to direct the border police teams.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 May, 2017 |
End date | 25 Sep, 2019 |
Contract date | 09 May, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 417,260.07 |
Grant | 375,534.08 |
Self finance | 41,725.99 |
Total paid | 363,663.48 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |