Company Web Security Ltd is a new registered in order to develop innovative ideas for innovative system to protect websites from hacker attacks. Innovation comes in the thematic area of ISIS ' ICT and Informatics " and in particular in the direction " web , hybrid and "native" applications, web -based applications for the establishment and operation of new services and products " The basic idea involves creating a service -oriented web solution / SaaS /, through which owners of websites to protect themselves from malicious attempts to pierce the security of your site. By installing a small program code , any application to site previously analyzed for known hacking / sql injection, executable file upload and others. / . If detected attack , the application is terminated. All information requests will be transmitted to the server to store information will be analyzed by security experts to establish successful applications and associated geeky ones. Continuous monitoring and analysis of information provided detecting security holes that will provide systematic modification and further development of the code , which analyzes requests. For the purposes of the project a team of qualified experts to develop innovative Platform , having performed tests related to its development through the purchase of fixed assets. As well as create and test a prototype developed under the project innovative product / service. Taking provides outsourcing for: - Development of economic evaluation and financial evaluation assessment of the developed innovation ; - Development of market analysis and marketing plan for marketing the innovative product .
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
End date | 10 Feb, 2020 |
Contract date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 433,158.00 |
Grant | 389,842.20 |
Self finance | 43,315.80 |
Total paid | 352,786.46 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |