The innovative product is a complex system based on unmanned aircraft (drone), which is significantly improved by the development of an intelligent system and an automated system for analyzing the captured picture. The implementation of this project is the automated support management and identification of failures and interruptions in air power lines and other cable equipment by capturing and analyzing images from cameras on drones. Target groups of the project are the emergency teams of organizations dealing with maintenance and failures recovery in overhead power lines and other cable installations. Their work will be facilitate be automated storage and analysis of the overhead power lines and cable networks representations taken by drones. The images create a bank of knowledge and their processing builds history to track the status of air facilities. The startup company’s "Security-TG" Ltd overall objectives within this project are laying the foundations of innovative capacity, create favorable conditions for research and development in the sphere of mechatronics, robotics and automation, and bring competitive innovative products to market. The expected results are in several directions: to bring to the ecological balance through the use of innovative product by improving fast and seamless access bottlenecks to establish accidents in power overhead lines and air electrical wire networks; alleviation of human labor by automating processes and creating new jobs. The main project activities are described in more detail in Section 7.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
End date | 20 Feb, 2020 |
Contract date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 429,717.16 |
Grant | 386,745.44 |
Self finance | 42,971.72 |
Total paid | 367,807.90 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |