The startup company Interactive Video Ltd. is established with the main objective to develop, and then introduce to the market the Innovative System for Easy Creation of Interactive Video for Websites. The project aim is to develop an innovative system for easy creation of interactive video for websites that can be used directly from the client's browser, thus Interactive Video Ltd will offer the market a product - a complex innovative service foe creation of interactive video that will facilitate and reduce the cost to create interactive videos. The project idea is related to the development of service-oriented web system (SaaS), after registration the user will upload videos in the system. The innovative system will automatically process the videos to the correct web sizes, then the user via his browser (without the need to install any additional software) or mobile phone will be able to add various interactive elements at different stages of the video - pictures, video, animated images, balloons, text, links, etc. The innovative service will not alter the video, but rather give it added value, the added elements will be saved as separate files, so if the users want to be able to show video elements without or with them. Due to the entertainment element that contains the developed project innovation, it falls within the priority direction "computer and mobile applications and games with educational, marketing and / or entertainment characteristics" thematic area "new technologies in creative and recreational industries" of the Innovation Smart Specialization Strategy, and the innovation can also be added to priority direction "web, hybrid and "native" applications, web-based applications for creating and exploiting new products and services" of thematic area "ICT and Informatics."
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
End date | 23 Dec, 2019 |
Contract date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 431,760.00 |
Grant | 388,584.00 |
Self finance | 43,176.00 |
Total paid | 358,265.35 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |