Development of activated carbon foam from alternative bio source (HFCS)

VENDAR Ltd. is a newly-established entity as a vehicle for development and production of innovative products in the field of applied chemistry and biotechnologies. To this purpose the company has formed a multidisciplinary team of experts with extensive experience in the real economy and qualified researchers in the field of applied chemistry which have participated as key experts in a number of innovative projects, including projects financed under the Seventh Framework Programme of the EU. The project is designed to create a new product - activated carbon foam from corn syrup (HFCS). This product will qualify as a world-class innovation which will offer an alternative to the traditional activated carbon on the market, which in addition to its matching or even excelling qualities will have lower production costs. An important feature of the new technology is its ecological implications - from a renewable bio-source trough a low-energy consuming and waste-free production process a new material is derived to be successfully implemented in a number of industries and especially in water treatment for both household and industrial purposes. From this point of view the project falls under "Industry for Healthy Living and Biotechnologies" thematic filed of ISIS as it provides to the market a new bio-based technology with direct application for healthy living. In this respect the company plans to create a laboratory in rented premises in the town of Lovech where with the aid of newly-purchased and rented equipment the project team will complete and prototype the innovative product on its own. External services are envisaged only for the patent protection of the innovation and the elaboration of the market, economic and technology studies which are required for the development of a business plan and a concept for the subsequent production and market realization of the innovation. The estimated project cost is BGN 432 994.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 11 May, 2017
End date 04 Sep, 2019
Contract date 11 May, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 314,227.40
Grant 282,804.66
Self finance 31,422.74
Total paid 274,291.90
EU participation percent 85.0%
