With the implementation of this project "ANEYT TECHNOLOGIES" Ltd. will develop physiotherapy suit for daily use - FizioBodi that will help patients with musculoskeletal problems in their daily activities and at the same time will promote the process of healing in non-clinical environment. The main objective of the project is to increase the innovative capacity and competitiveness of the company through the development of product innovation with the potential to integrate in the economy in the scope of the priority area of "personalized medicine, diagnostics and individual therapy, therapeutic and medicinal forms and means" of the thematic area "Industry for healthy living and biotechnology" of the Innovation strategy for smart specialization. It will be achieved through the acquisition of equipment, software development and execution of scientific researches, testing, trails and measurements. They will be made technical, financial and economic evaluation of the innovation, which will determine the profitability of investment, as well as will be conducted market research and marketing strategy in order to choose the most effective approach to marketing. The result is expected to develop eco-innovation FizioBodi, which later can be implemented in the economy.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 May, 2017 |
End date | 31 Jan, 2019 |
Contract date | 09 May, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 434,300.00 |
Grant | 390,870.00 |
Self finance | 43,430.00 |
Total paid | 390,285.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |