The implementation of the project is aimed at developing of a new global innovative product with high potential for further commercialization and achieves successful marketing. The product is a mechatronic system combines hardware with software part that serves for detection, visualization and automation of the process of transformation of network and telecom infrastructures from one technology to another state. Thus defined innovative product under development for the project falls primarily in the thematic area "Mechatronics and clean technologies" of the Innovation Strategy for smart specialization (ISIS) and particularly in priority direction in it "aided and software assisted management applications production". In order to successfully implement the project formed a team comprising experts, each of which has proven over the years a professional in their field. The team has long experience in innovative projects namely in the field of development of various systems management and automation features as scientific - research experience and the necessary qualifications and experience for successful implementation of this project. Team Leader will be Nikolay Milovanov, a doctor in the "Computer and communication equipment" and master in "Telecommunications". Planned to implement the project activities are the result of prior analysis of needs and identification of needs, and include: 1) Conducting applied research, tests and trials (incl. The creation of programs and methodologies) related to the development of innovative products; 2) Creation and testing of prototype innovative system under development by the project; 3) Protection of intellectual property rights on the development of national level. In the implementation of the project will be made and all necessary actions and measures related to compliance with the requirements for information and publicity.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 11 May, 2017 |
End date | 23 Oct, 2019 |
Contract date | 11 May, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 408,955.20 |
Grant | 368,059.68 |
Self finance | 40,895.52 |
Total paid | 328,558.94 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |