The project is focused on the development of innovative product - specialized photo-protective drink based on alive microorganisms (cyanobacteria Spiruina Platensis) and extracts of unique Bulgarian and endemic for the Rhodopes "resurrection" plant Haberlea Rhodopensis known as "The flower of Orpheus", mixed with additional synergistic natural ingredients. The consumption of this innovative photo-protective drink will activate the natural defense mechanisms against UV radiation, while in the same time will preserve the skin's ability to synthesize vitamin D. The innovation falls entirely in the scope of the thematic area "Industry for healthy life and biotechnology" on Innovative strategy for intelligent specialization. The implementation of this project will lead to development of an innovative product in priority area "production of specialized foods and drinks (baby and child, "cosmic" foods)", that will be novelty for the global/European market and will excels existing competitive solutions. The implementation of this project will enhance the innovative capacity of the company and its competitiveness and will directly help the development of innovative products. In this regard, the following activities will be carried out : 1. Conduction of applied science researches, tests and measurements, related to the development of the innovative product. 2. Design, creation and testing of prototypes and pilot lines. 3. Elaboration of marketing plan for market realization of the innovative product (this activity will be implemented by providing of relevant service. 4. Visualization of the project. The project activities will be implemented with the formation of team for development of the innovative product, buying of specialized laboratory equipment and materials in support of the realization of the innovative product UV/D Balance Redox system, assignment of external services for developing a marketing plan and visualization.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 May, 2017 |
End date | 26 Feb, 2019 |
Contract date | 09 May, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 434,480.00 |
Grant | 391,032.00 |
Self finance | 43,448.00 |
Total paid | 347,118.69 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |