The project proposal aims to develop a web application that connects client profiles, purchases, commercial offers and discounts. The application should allow access through web interface devices (computer, mobile phone, tablet) to rich functionality: 1) customer profile identification and building relationship between purchase and profile; 2) demographic analysis; 3) sending / receiving “localized” and personalized information; 4) use of digital cards, vouchers, coupons and etc., certifying the right to use discount; 5) price comparison of goods and services offered by different vendors; 6) calculation of average prices for various goods and services; 7) price tracking; 8) organization of virtual promotional campaigns, games and lotteries; 9) convenient and easy search. Building on own software algorithms and new business model, the company is looking for a breakthrough in one of the priority areas of the thematic area “ICT and Informatics”: “web, hybrid and native applications, web-based applications for the establishment and operation of new services and products”. For this purpose, the project proposal consists of activities such as: 1. Acquisition of intellectual property rights. 2. Prototyping and testing. 3. Development of market researches and analyses, marketing plans for commercialization of the innovative product. 4. Organization of promotional events in Bulgaria related to the promotion of the innovative product. 5. Visualization of the project.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
End date | 19 Nov, 2019 |
Contract date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 409,800.00 |
Grant | 368,820.00 |
Self finance | 40,980.00 |
Total paid | 364,054.74 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |