The purpose of this project proposal is the development of innovative product that will make the understanding of health more accessible, and thereby will change the vision of the health education. 3D atlas of the human body will be developed with presentation of the anatomical parts of the human body, full audio recording, text captions to each organ and educational video dissections. This is an innovative way (globally) of presenting information (learning material) that combines all modern forms of data presentation, its easy perception and impact. The approach that is used and the way of presenting the information will be structured in a way that will give an opportunity to the users to consume audiovisual content according to their needs, at a convenient time and in one place. The described innovation falls into the priority areas of the National Strategy for Research Development in particular in "New technologies in the creative and entertainment industries" and especially in "PC and mobile applications and games with educational, marketing and / or entertainment character” The main activities that will be implemented are: 1) Establishing and testing of prototypes and pilot lines; 2) Information and publicity of the project.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 11 May, 2017 |
End date | 30 Oct, 2019 |
Contract date | 11 May, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 412,546.00 |
Grant | 371,291.40 |
Self finance | 41,254.60 |
Total paid | 370,965.87 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |