Elaboration of energy efficient and green technologies for extraction of precious and expensive metals by recycling of electrolytic and solid waste

The Innovation, which will be developed by this project represents an innovative energy efficient and environmentally friendly computer controlled technologies with pulse current. The innovative technology represents recycling of precious and expensive metals by electrolytic and solid waste from the processing of lead acid batteries and silver foam, highly polluting the environment - air, land and water . Through technologies developed as end products will derive the following metals: antimony, lead, silver, copper and bismuth. This will devise experimental installations (prototype) for the extraction of precious metals from solutions of antimony lead and silver foam, representing the aggregate of: - Hydrometallurgical processing of leaded pastes and actively lead (waste from the processing of used lead acid batteries and batteries) or hydrometallurgical processing of semi Silver foam (residue from lead production) with which through a complex technological scheme will be formed electrolyte solutions of precious metals and lead. - Intelligent system with a specialized software program for extraction of precious metals and lead from the resulting electrolyte solutions from hydrometallurgical processes, their automatic measurement, registration, processing, management and control of major electrical parameters of stationary and portable electrochemical processes. Project provided also the following activities: 1. Performing of patent research and development of applications for intellectual property protection of developed innovative technologies; 2. Development of economic evaluation, financial evaluation and technical evaluation (including investment business plan) to develop innovative technologies. 3. Organization of promotional events and visualization of the project.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 31 Jul, 2017
End date 29 Nov, 2019
Contract date 31 Jul, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 284,632.30
Grant 256,169.07
Self finance 28,463.23
Total paid 232,557.86
EU participation percent 85.0%
