Development of innovation for the competitiveness of Notologic Ltd.

The company "Notologic" Ltd. is mainly related to software development with market application. It is a newly established company in the field of computer applications. The objectives of this project proposal are: - Enhancing the competitiveness of the company "Notologic" Ltd. by developing a computer application with marketing character "Market Scout" - Strengthening innovation and capacity through research and development and testing of a prototype application. The project activities are: - Research and application of research results and technologies, know-how to develop a computer application innovation "Market Scout" - Development and testing of a prototype computer application "Market Advisor" through the purchase of intangible fixed assets - computer application "Market Scout". In addition an activity for visualization of the project is envisaged. 1 sign will be developed. Based on the objectives and planned activities the following expected results are identified: - A survey of appropriate technology to develop computer application "Market Scout" developed - An analysis of possible solutions prepared - A functional specification elaborated - A prototype of a computer application "Market Scout" created - Tests successfully passed. The innovation is within the scope of the thematic area "New technologies in creative and recreational industries" priority area "Computer and mobile applications and games educational, marketing and / or entertainment" of the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 11 May, 2017
End date 18 Dec, 2018
Contract date 11 May, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 433,200.00
Grant 389,880.00
Self finance 43,320.00
Total paid 389,641.86
EU participation percent 85.0%
