Semper Fortis Public Sector Ltd (SFPS) is a newly-established company with focus on developing innovative business solutions with various implications in the service sector. Having explored the internet advertising market in Bulgaria and worldwide, the company team identified a number of problems, the solution of which will provide opportunities for entering a vacant market niche in the internet advertising field. Following this, the company formed a multidisciplinary team to create a new product – an innovative system for campaign advertising (ISKRA). The team members are experts with extensive experience in the fields of information technologies, economics and marketing, which have participated as key experts in a number of innovative projects, incl. projects funded under the EU Framework Programmes. ISKRA classifies as a world-class innovation as it will offer a qualitatively new method for internet advertising, providing advertisers with the opportunity to deliver advertising content through a new concept. It will ensure users’ full engagement by interlinking the consumption of advertising content with financing charity campaigns or crowd financing projects. From this aspect the project falls under the “New Technologies in the Creative and Recreative Industries” thematic field of ISIS as it will offer an innovative computer application with gamification elements in the field of marketing and advertising. The project implementation envisages the employment of 5 experts to develop the product architecture, o test its functionalities and prototype the end product (TRL 7). The project will be carried out in the town of Pleven, where an office will be rented and the equipment required for the Ramp;D activities will be installed. The estimated project value is BGN 402 468.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
End date | 23 Oct, 2019 |
Contract date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 402,468.00 |
Grant | 362,221.20 |
Self finance | 40,246.80 |
Total paid | 357,861.76 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |