One of the decisive factors for the success of a company is it`s human potential. The shortage of competence and motivation often jeopardizes or even completely compromised most good ideas and moreover causing staff turnover. Albeit with some specificity, the same problem applies to the structures of state and municipal administration - quality of the public services critically depends on the competence of personnel. Particular attention in this context should be given to new employees. Since the early days, they are confronted with unfamiliar legislation, job instructions and a set written and unwritten rules. Entering the work takes time, even with the support of more senior colleague (mentor) is associated with stress and often leads to rapid evacuation. The project proposal is aimed at this issue, the approach to it is a modern and betting on modern technology in education, training and retraining of staff. Innovation and the timeliness of the proposal is high, given to the importance of the issue of competence and appropriate personnel actions and the resulting need for training events, whose organization and conducting time-consuming and strength of highly qualified associates who might otherwise be used more efficiently . The creation of this innovative product with an educational character will increase innovation and competitiveness of the Applicant which will improve its presence in the market. The company aims at occupying leadership positions in the market of learning tools and at successful competition with the other companies in the market, addressing its customers needs to the utmost extent. This makes it necessary that the project should be implemented and that the innovative software product"e-mentor"should be elaborated to support the public administration and private sector employees.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
End date | 11 Jan, 2019 |
Contract date | 31 Jul, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 434,332.64 |
Grant | 390,899.38 |
Self finance | 43,433.26 |
Total paid | 390,103.37 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |