DPLACE: Digital solutions for intelligent management of buildings and places

The project is continuation of the project SmartPlace, received initial funding as one of the winners in the competition for start-ups under the 7th Framework Programme SpeedUP! Europe (speedupeurope.eu) within the initiative FIWARE (fiware.org). The main objective of the project proposal is the development of innovative integrated solutions and services for management of inhabited places (apartments, houses, buildings, building complexes, open spaces) and analysis of large data sets (Big Data). The specific objectives, activities and expected outputs of the project are: 1. Conducting applied research, testing and measurements (incl. development of programs and methodologies) related to the implementation of innovative solutions for smart inhabited places: 2. Study and application of results and data from other experiments and studies 3. Preparation of documents and application for acquiring rights and protection of intellectual property at national and / or international level 4. Creation and testing of prototypes and pilot lines 5. Development of technologies for the realization of complete solutions services for smart places; 6. Development of economic, financial and technical evaluation of the developed innovative solutions and services 7. Development of a marketing plan for the innovative solutions and services for smart places 8. Organizing promotional events in Bulgaria related to the promotion of innovative solutions and services for smart places 9. Visibility of the project The target groups of the developed project innovation are citizens, end-users of energy. As a result the project will meet the needs of the business by developing innovative solutions, continuation of SmartPlace project, the need for enhancing their innovation activity and thus will improve their competitiveness.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 31 Jul, 2017
End date 31 Jul, 2019
Contract date 31 Jul, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 421,723.20
Grant 379,550.88
Self finance 42,172.32
Total paid 47,821.50
EU participation percent 85.0%
