The goal of the project is to design and develop a globally innovative product which ensures the collection, preservation and archiving of corporate information that could be extremely relevant for researchers, journalistic investigations, economic comparisons, risk assessment, historical and other forms of studies of business, scientific or educational nature. The disruptive innovation offered by Business Register aims to develop a qualitatively new type of library, representing the world's first searchable and semantically-enriched digital archive of Corporate heritage (aka Enterprise/organizational heritage). For the first time an approach is used in which the goal of an archive is to conserve essential information provided by the organizations themselves - while preserving the uniqueness of their culture, style and identity, and not that of republishers. Via an interactive module users will be able to search directly in a vast collection of comprehensive, structured and semantically enriched data which is already extinct or lost, but is stored in its original form in the corporate heritage library. Thus news and data could be analyzed even if they are no longer available on the web due to bit rot (loss of digital artifacts due to modification or disappearance of a source). The project aims to develop a new product in the thematic area "New technologies in the creative and recreation industries" of the Intelligent Innovation Specialization Strategy. To succeed, a team of 11 experts will be appointed to design a project database, to explore individual sources and to define selection and storage criteria, to develop semantic enrichment solutions and to prototype the final product. The project will be implemented in parallel in the city of Sofia and the town of Vratsa. In NWR a server and a database of companies will be purchased to enable us to conduct the applied research in the project - both the industrial research and the experimental development phases.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 09 May, 2017 |
End date | 12 Mar, 2019 |
Contract date | 09 May, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 433,330.00 |
Grant | 389,997.00 |
Self finance | 43,333.00 |
Total paid | 367,275.79 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |