Improving the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the services provided by the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria in regards to industrial property protection.

The Patent Office is the national state body for legal protection of industrial property in the Republic of Bulgaria. It implements the state policy in the field of industrial property on the territory of the country and represents the Republic of Bulgaria in international industrial property organizations, as it further ensures the fulfillment of the obligations and the international cooperation in this sphere. The main target group for the implementation of the project proposal is the Bulgarian business. The direct beneficiaries are micro, small, medium and large enterprises, individuals, applicants and users of the services provided by the PO, including industrial property representatives, research and innovation organizations, international organizations working in the field of industrial property; The main activities of the project proposal are the following: 1. Upgrading and integration of the information technology environment of the Patent Office for achievement of complex electronic management of the industrial property protection system, development of the electronic services and registers provided by the PO to the representatives of the business and other interested parties. 2. Renovation of the building units serving the business and individuals, applicants and users of the services provided by the PO. 3. Creating conditions for speeding up the examination of patent applications. 4. Updating and upgrading the PO website, storing the available information. 5. Promotion of the industrial property protection system by enhancing knowledge and awareness among the business. 6. Improving the quality and efficiency of the unit responsible for the administrative penalty at the Patent Office. 7. Preparation of analyzes and research in the field of industrial property; This project proposal also includes activities relevant to outsourcing, information and publicity, project organization and management, and audit.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 26 Oct, 2017
End date 26 Feb, 2021
Contract date 26 Oct, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 8,797,339.19
Grant 8,797,339.19
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 8,357,472.23
EU participation percent 85.0%
