The aim of the project proposal is to do a research for designing a digital tachograph with improved protection and functionality as well as providing logistic support for transport management. The technical innovations are connected with the ability to receive more information about the vehicle including information about the speed, the distance, the location, the condition of the driver and thus improving the security. The concept of the new generation of digital tachographs is that they should be able to continue working in emergencies for more than 1 hour for example if the vehicle’s accumulator turns off and afterwards it should give information about the location of the vehicle using GSM/GPRS/3G; thanks to the enhanced functionality there is voice connection to a dispatcher; the ability to download data from the maps of the driver using GPRS to send the location to the controlling transport center as well as calibrating the tachograph without the help of expensive equipment makes it cheaper to be maintained: That is possible with help of buttons on the panel of the tachograph or by using a USB flash device that stores the mentioned parametres; With the use of a3D sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope more information about the condition of both the driver and the vehicle and in emergency situations such as crashing, critical tilt angles is gathered. The information is directed towards a dispatcher and then with voice connection it is possible to prevent emergencies from happening.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Jun, 2018 |
End date | 12 May, 2020 |
Contract date | 01 Jun, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 361,548.79 |
Grant | 259,361.76 |
Self finance | 102,187.03 |
Total paid | 233,712.73 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |