Creating a product inovation in Micromotor Ltd.

Micromotor Ltd. was founded in 1995 in Sofia, where it continues to operate until now. The company develops, designs, manufactures, sells and services dentistry equipment and micromotors for dental practices and dental laboratories. The company has its own universal and specialized equipment, testing systems and qualified personnel. All of its products are produced in accordance with ISO 9001 - 2008; ISO 13485 - 2003 and the 93/42/EEC directive - guarantees for their quality and reliability. In 2013 Micromotor Ltd. jointly started a research and development project called Surgical Electrical Machine. Resulting from the combined effort of the specialists is an idea project of the device, as the property rights and the possibilities for its future development belong entirely to Micromotor Ltd.The next step is to develop the parts of the prototype, the control software, testing of the complete system to TRL9, and receiving intellectual property protection through a useful model or patent. The developed product is a world-class innovation and surpasses in one degree or another all currently known technical solutions in the field of medical equipment production. With the current project proposal Micromotor Ltd. is applying for financial aid in ISR activities aimed at bringing the development of the innovative product, in the scope of the priority directions of the thematic areas of ISIS - Surgical Electric Machine /SEM/ to successful completion, namely - Conducting research, testing, measurements, necessary for the development of the product innovation - Creating and testing a prototype - Acquiring long-term assets required for the development of the product innovation - Acquiring/development of specialized software - Industrial property protection - Project visualization

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 24 Jul, 2018
End date 14 Jan, 2021
Contract date 24 Jul, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 445,910.00
Grant 312,137.00
Self finance 133,773.00
Total paid 264,788.76
EU participation percent 85.0%
