Develop an innovative online platform to diagnose spinal diseases based on advanced machine learning tools

The overall objective of the project is to promote the development and increase the innovative capacity of the enterprise “Smart Soft” Ltd. by supporting the development and delivery of the innovative product in one of the thematic areas of ISIS – “Industry for Healthy Life and Biotechnology” - personal medicine, namely CoLumbo - online platform to diagnose spinal diseases based on advanced machine learning tools. This thematic area is priority for North-East Region – Town of Varna, where the innovation will be developed. The innovative product will be developed by high-quality experts in ICT field and in partnership with a science organization – Technical University Varna. By its very nature, CoLumbo is a global innovative product that introduces a new service that does not exist until now - a personalized online diagnosis of spinal problems based on modern IT solutions. The product is based on a unique machine learning algorithm by which MRI is read and combines this information with medical history information for patients by providing comprehensive and high-precision diagnosis of the condition and treatment advices. The innovation is an industrial research. The project is implemented through research, testing, testing and measurements activities, related to the development of the innovative product; creating and testing a beta version of the platform; purchasing of specialized equipment necessary for innovation development, as well as the use of external services for science research in field of medicine necessary for the development of the prototype.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 22 May, 2018
End date 19 Oct, 2020
Contract date 22 May, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 496,646.56
Grant 383,685.25
Self finance 112,961.31
Total paid 370,654.11
EU participation percent 85.0%
