Developing of an innovative hybrid application PlanWork, offering new services for small and medium business

The overall objective of the project is to promote the development and increase the innovative capacity of the enterprise ACCEDIA by supporting the development of the innovative product in the thematic areas “ICT and informatics” in global range, namely the innovative platform PlanWork, integrated a "smart" calendar, a "business mentor" and a business / social network by an intuitive way. This thematic area is priority for South-West Region – Town of Sofia, where the innovation will be developed. The applicant through high-quality experts in ICT field will develop the innovative product independently. By its very nature, PlanWork is a hybrid application (for mobile and web platforms) that combines innovative features into a single product. It is a prerequisite for a new, more effective method of stimulating small and medium-sized businesses, meeting the needs of today's technology user with fast and direct connectivity business as well as the possibility of direct dialogue between end-users and businesses through the rating system. The innovation is an experimental development. Within the project, it will be reached to technical level of readiness TRL 7. The project is implemented through research, testing, testing and measurements activities, related to the development of the innovative product; creating and testing a beta version of the platform; purchasing of equipment and specialized software necessary for innovation development.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 16 May, 2018
End date 10 Sep, 2020
Contract date 16 May, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 1,187,793.20
Grant 499,998.50
Self finance 687,794.70
Total paid 463,564.99
EU participation percent 85.0%
