Innovative service for medical tourism

This project is aimed at developing an innovative platform for medical tourism, possessing unique functionalities, that does not exist in the global market. The platform is cloud-based and enables personalized search by patient users to find the most appropriate medical services provider on the basis of criteria and categories set by them. The software application is a unique channel for personalized communication and data exchange between patients and healthcare professionals from remote locations around the world. The innovative product to be developed within the project addresses the growing global market potential of medical tourism. The project includes the following activities: I. Activities implemented by the project team through effective collaboration between the candidate company and the Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy of Sliven within the Technical University of Sofia: - conduct of applied scientific research, tests and examination related to the development of the innovative product - production and tests of the prototype II. Activities performed by external contractors: - Acquisition of tangible and intangible assets needed to develop product innovation - Rental of specialized equipment for the purpose of testing and demonstrating the technology in a relevant environment - Development of spcialized software modules for the beta version of the innovative product by assigning R and D - Visualization of the project The implementation of this project will lead to the following results: - Developed beta version of the software proposal that can be demonstrated in a relevant environment - A highly qualified team with the capacity to develop innovation - Established R and D infrastructure to technologically support the development process - Technology transfer between the partner univerity and the candidate enterprise

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 22 Mar, 2019
End date 22 Mar, 2021
Contract date 22 Mar, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 714,728.56
Grant 519,605.88
Self finance 195,122.68
Total paid 379,780.61
EU participation percent 85.0%
