The project describes the idea of development of an innovative method for enhancement of the treatment of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and the development of an innovative for the global market medical device – a universal stereotactic guidance system for neurosurgical interventions for measurements of the intracranial pressure. The system uses the data from a preoperative imaging study and the individual anatomical specificity of the concrete patient for the determination of the exact penetration trajectory of the instruments and the measuring catheters. This provides high precision, protects the healthy brain tissue, improves the procedure accuracy, and reduces the operating time. The mission of NS Medical Ltd. is through developing of a specialized high-tech surgical intervention method and an innovative medical device to provide significant precision in the guidance of the neurosurgeon and to reduce the risk of failure and complications of intracranial pressure measurement procedures in TBI treatment. The expected result will be an improved outcome of the treatment, including higher probability for a good outcome, better quality of life, and overall – better health status of the people treated for a severe traumatic brain injuries. The ambition of the company is to increase its innovative capacity and competitiveness by conducting industrial research and effective collaboration with scientists from the Technical University - Sofia for applying the knowledge and experience of highly qualified specialists in the fields of medicine, physics, engineering and applied computer sciences. The goal is through the experience of fundamental and industrial research in the field of neurosurgery, mathematics and three-dimensional positioning to impose modern high-tech methods of better treatment of TBI and by ameliorating the precision of some neurosurgical interventions to solve essential health problems.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 28 May, 2018 |
End date | 29 Dec, 2020 |
Contract date | 28 May, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 562,500.00 |
Grant | 413,100.00 |
Self finance | 149,400.00 |
Total paid | 210,219.41 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |