The portfolio of MedicalDentConsult DC includes a wide range of dental services,but the company specialises mainly in the field of implantology and aesthetic dentistry.The planned innovation is precisely in this area-an adjustable device to be used in dentistry–a dental implant placement surgical guide.The surgical guide will ensure the precise placement of the implant in the bone.The surgical guides used currently are made individually for each patient,which makes them very impractical,and for that reason 95%of the implantologists do not use them.Modern implantology very often requires that a temporary crown is placed immediately after the placement of the implant.As a result,the requirement for impression-taking and laboratory work prolongs the treatment process and makes the completion of the surgery at one sitting very difficult.The reason why the crown cannot be made in advance is because of the way in which the implant abutment and the fixture are joined.In almost all contemporary implant systems they are connected with a hexagon.This creates the need for a surgical guide which will take the implant to the space and which will ensure that the turning of the implant will stop at the right moment,so that the abutment of the crown made in advance will be connected to the fixture with excellent precision.The aim of the project is to design a universal adjustable device which will by adjusted for each patient and adapted to the size of their jaw, and will ensure the precise guiding of the milling machine in the available space for the preparation of the bone bed,and that the implant will stop turning at the right moment so that the crown made in advance will be connected with the implant in the optimal way.The innovation is defined as a novelty on the global market and falls within the IS3 thematic area Industry for a HealthyLife and Biotechnology,priority direction Production of instruments,equipment and consumables for medical and dental diagnostics and therapy
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 29 May, 2018 |
End date | 02 Mar, 2020 |
Contract date | 29 May, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 656,615.00 |
Grant | 411,573.81 |
Self finance | 245,041.19 |
Total paid | 390,107.77 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |