Development of innovative electrical input / output modules from "Festo Production" EOOD

The current project builds on the results of a previous one, implemented under the EU's 7th Framework Program, called IDEAS - Instantly Deployable Evolvable Assembly Systems . In this project, Festo - Germany (the sole owner of the capital of Festo Production EOOD) is a partner in a consortium of 10 organizations whose main purpose was to implement the "agent" technology in the control panels. Control panels are devices that are a plug-in contact box or sockets where plugs can be plugged-in to close an electrical circuit. They are widely used in the work of recording equipment, as well as in some encryption machines, and even in some early versions of computers. In recent years, it has been noticed that the functional capabilities of these panels are no longer satisfying demand due to the fact that they use older technologies and are now giving way to flexible and configurable remote I / O modules that reduce wiring, increase stability and can be adapted to any environment. The current project of Festo Production EOOD is directed to create a significantly modified and improved module which will be innovative with its high degree of integration that will make it applicable in more areas of industrial production.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 25 May, 2018
End date 08 Dec, 2020
Contract date 25 May, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 675,686.30
Grant 392,243.15
Self finance 283,443.15
Total paid 332,924.13
EU participation percent 85.0%
