Development of innovative product "Axial fan with radial outflow / inlet flow"

The aim of this project is to significantly improve the innovative product Axial fan with radial outflow / inlet flow. The innovation is an axial fan with radial outflow with increased exhaust air flow, improved efficiency, increased pressure values ​​and reduced noise and power consumption. The Improved product parameters are due to the specific shape of the air duct, the fan body, the engine cup and the front grille. The main task of the project is to study the main alternative solutions in the market in terms of their shape and functionality and to conduct studies that significantly improve the parameters of the innovative product Axial fan with radial outflow / inlet flow in relation to the above parameters, so to remain competitive on the European and world market in a time frame of 5-10 years.The project envisages the implementation of activities related to the creation of complex systems components (Activity 3 and Activity 4), incl. in simulated interface environments (Activity 2), as well as the design of prototypes in a laboratory environment (Activities 5). It is supposed that due to the research and development activities of the project, it will be necessary to change the design details of the product, the configuration of the motor plate, the way of the wobble winding, etc. The project will be implemented in partnership with the Technical University of Sofia, where part of the research will be carried out (Activity 2). The project duration is envisaged to be 24 months and the budget - BGN 352,810.52.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 20 Jul, 2018
End date 04 Feb, 2021
Contract date 20 Jul, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 352,810.52
Grant 261,604.47
Self finance 91,206.05
Total paid 208,004.35
EU participation percent 85.0%
