The only alternative to inferior "standard" oncotherapy is the emerging scientific and clinical practice of "integrative oncology", which is becoming more and more prevalent in the world but still only spoken in Bulgaria.The integrated system for personal oncology therapeutics is a complex of instrumental modules (diagnostic and therapeutic), methods for obtaining diagnostic information, healing technologies and methodology for functional interaction by concomitant monitoring of therapeutic results and optimization of the clinical outcome. The project aims to develop a multi-functional system of integrative oncology, by realizing a deep functional integration of the therapeutic process with continuous and multi-factorial diagnostic control, i.e. "Therapeutics" in the most modern meaning of the term. The realization of the project will contribute to a qualitative leap in the knowledge of the multi-factor interaction of various proven physical and chemical factors on the development of pathological processes of the newly educated in the human body and the possibilities for precise monitoring and control of the therapeutic procedures. Within the framework of this project, unique new apparatus and methods for its application will be developed, which in themselves represent innovative products, but the main innovation is their functional integration and the creation of a fundamentally new treatment system. This is an important step in changing the existing paradigm of "conventional medicine" - moving from a low-quality "standardized, conveyor" to personalized treatment. This will be achieved through three distinct but interrelated processes leading to the development of an integrated methodology for oncology therapeutics. 1. Development of instrument modules, 2. Development of diagnostic and therapy methodologies: 3. Development of an integrated methodology for oncological therapeutics.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 22 Oct, 2018 |
End date | 01 Apr, 2021 |
Contract date | 22 Oct, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 534,284.66 |
Grant | 393,630.36 |
Self finance | 140,654.30 |
Total paid | 348,862.59 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |