Development of an innovative method of geophysical research

The current project proposal is aimed at developing a process innovation, namely an innovative method for conducting geophysical research, so as to optimize the process of exploring copper-gold deposits of the porphyry type, which are the main source of copper and gold mining in the world. The proposed method will be an environmentally friendly and waste-free technology which reduces the number of exploration wells and their impact on the environment, including the reduction of electricity and water consumption. The method will integrate a model for the exploration of the main aquifer structures in the research areas, which will contribute to the protection of drinking water from mining and drilling activity and also other pollutants related to the human activity in the urban areas. The proposed innovation is falls under the strand “Mechatronics and clean technologies” of Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation 2014-2020 (ISSS), and more precisely under the sub-strand of “waste-free technologies. The estimated expenses needed to develop the innovation that is also the subject of the current project proposal are related to providing the necessary experts, purchasing and renting the equipment that is needed to carry out the research work of the team as well as purchasing a specialized software for 3D visualization of geophysical data. The potential of market realization of this innovation is linked to the implementation of the method in the services that are provided by Lian Geoconsult to major international mining companies. The category of the research under the project falls within the regime "industrial research", and the technological readiness level of the innovation at the end of the project will be TRL6.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 11 May, 2018
End date 10 Sep, 2020
Contract date 11 May, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 532,377.24
Grant 372,664.08
Self finance 159,713.16
Total paid 372,338.37
EU participation percent 85.0%
