The project provides for the implementation of a sequence of activities, divided into 4 (four) stages. Through them, "Industrial Research" will be implemented mainly to achieve a significant improvement of an innovative product developed to TRL 1 - "formulated basic principles of technology" and protected by the company as a Utility Model. This protection has been achieved by the core members of the TEAM under this project. A product / technology is used to use the same surface for irradiating both infrared radiation for heating and light output created by high-intensity LED light sources. The Protected Utility Model shows the real innovation and world novelty of the product - the Combined Panel for Infrared Heating and LED Lighting. The low technological level requires the construction to undergo a scientifically proven SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT. In this respect, the project activities start from "conceptual design" - TRL 1 "Formulated Core Principles of Technology" and include activities to reach and complete the "Experimental Model" stage - TRL 6 - Technology demonstrated in relevant environment. The goal of all activities in the design stages is to SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT of the design in order to achieve the maximum possible energy efficiency. That is why, within this project, it is envisaged to study the influence of the design, geometric shape and dimensions of the basic elements of the innovative product on the irradiation, their equability over the whole area, the light and thermal distractions and losses. On the basis of the analysis of the results of realized suitable combinations of relevant constructions, the elements and types of treatments are interpolated and define one or several optimal constructions of the substantially improved combination panel for infrared heating and LED lighting. The project will be fully implemented by the company and by the main team of inventors who have registered the Utility Model.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 22 May, 2018 |
End date | 02 Mar, 2020 |
Contract date | 22 May, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 176,450.20 |
Grant | 123,515.14 |
Self finance | 52,935.06 |
Total paid | 120,295.93 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |