The overall objective of the project proposal is: development of a product innovation (service) – a service for the needs of citizens for automated urban problem reporting to municipalities and institutions Citizen Support Service, falling into the priority area of Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (ISSS) -„smart systems and appliances” – “smart homes” – “smart cities”, part of the Mechatronics and Clean Technologies thematic area. In order to achieve this aim as part of project “Development of an innovative service for the needs of citizens for automated urban problem reporting to municipalities and institutions Citizen Support Service – product innovation by 2Creative Ltd” – the following activities will be carried out: - Development of an ICT-based system for automated urban problem reporting to institutions and municipalities, Citizen Support Service; - Information and technical support for the development and testing of the service provision; - Demonstration of the service in a relevant environment; - Ensuring project visualization and publicity; The implementation of the aforementioned activities will lead to the following results for 2Creative Ltd.: - Prerequisites for provision of a new-generation service for the citizens’ needs for automated submission of signals and legitimate complaints to institutions and municipalities - – Citizen Support Service - Achieved level of TRL6 Technology, demonstrated in a relevant environment - Creation of prerequisites for the successful and dynamic entering of the market of electronic services with a publicly beneficial effect - Enhanced capacity of the applicant to develop innovative services - Enhanced innovation and institutional capacity In view of the positive effects listed above, this project will be the main instrument to enhance the innovation capacity and competitiveness of 2Creative Ltd. on the Bulgarian and the international market.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 20 Jul, 2018 |
End date | 19 Nov, 2019 |
Contract date | 20 Jul, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 701,073.60 |
Grant | 490,751.52 |
Self finance | 210,322.08 |
Total paid | 487,954.30 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |